Kei’Ti Thu’Leyeux

Aliases: Ludo, KT

Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Draconis
Age: 31 (in Earth Years)
Birthday: 15 Aug
Height: 5’10” with Horns / 5’7” without Horns
Wingspan: 6’5”
Homeworld: Drakon VIII - Aeris Moon
Primary Preservation Assignment: Ludus (Play/Games)
Secondary Preservation Assignment(s): Qui Etiam Multis (Too many to list)

| Concept: Self | Artist/Model: Triiachi | Rigging: Elisaine | Reference Sheet: Aracuya |


Born on Aeris, a moon of the planet Drakon VIII which is 18.77 light-years (or 110,341,801,409,232 miles and 1155 yards) from Earth, Kei’Ti had a difficult time deciding what she wanted to focus on preservigin. Drakonian tradition dictates that every Draconis is charged with a Preservation assignments, or the task of preserving something special to them and documenting it for future generations. Most hatchlings (young Draconis) know what they want to preserve at a very young age, but Kei’Ti had a hard time choosing. Early interests included Cosmic Geology, Drakonian Fashion, and Universal Chemistry.

One day, her parents took her to an exhibition on gadgets and portable technology from a distant planet called Earth. There were several items that interested Kei’Ti, but the one that stole her attention was a translucent, purple rectangle that could be held even in her small hands. It had a small screen, four round buttons, and one cross-shaped button. On it’s back, there was a slot for another piece of technology called a cartridge that stored games. Fascinated and enthralled by the device, Kei’Ti loudly proclaimed that she would learn everything she could about Earth games and how there played once it was time for her to set-off on her Preservation Assignment.

She arrived on Earth in 2010, beginning her study of games and play, or Ludology as it was called on Earth, earning her the title of Ludo Draconis.